The ABC Board Shipping Unit is responsible for processing merchandise in the ABC Warehouse and loading stock for shipment to the ABC stores. In order to facilitate the shipping process and to provide a means of evaluating individual performance, a special computer-produced picking ticket is designed to instruct each order selector (OS) about the brand and quantity to be picked up and picking time allowed. After the completion of his job, the OS enters the actual time spent and the time permitted on the Picking Sheet which is then forwarded, at lunch time and at the end of the work day, to the warehouse office for preparation of the Daily Performance Summary. Information on the form includes name of worker, actual time (total time from start of work until completion time, less break time and lunch), earned time (total time allowed from the picking ticket), number of errors, adjusted time (number of errors multiplied by 5 and subtracted from earned time), and percentage of production (adjusted time divided by actual time). Seventy percent (70%) is considered the picking minimum. The Summary is posted on the bulletin board at the end of the day. Employees with good performance records will receive appropriate recognition (worker of the month/year, promotion, and/or pay raise).